Update June/2007

Dear Ken,

Sarah's mum had a stroke a few years ago and that had a big impact on our lives. At the time, we both had full time jobs. We were each working a 50+ hour week and then spending virtually every evening visiting mum at the stroke rehabilitation unit. It was a difficult period.

As mum was on a female-only ward, late evening male visitors were not allowed. As a result, Sarah would park under a street light in the hospital car park and leave me for a few hours each visit.

The reason?.....

This location allowed me to work on my fledgling Site Build It! business - yes the seeds of www.updatexp.com started life in a hospital car park!

When mum finally came out of the stroke rehabilitation unit and went home, that was only just the start of several years of out patients appointments at local hospitals and clinics. We managed to attend most of them but this put a strain on our relationships with our respective employers.

I used to dream of what it would be like with no "day job" and had so many hopes for my Site Build It! business.

Fast forward to this January 2007....

Sarah's mum's health started to deteriorate culminating on May 6th in an emergency call from the ward where mum had just been admitted asking us to come straight away as they did not know how much longer she had.

Sarah and I were able to just drop everything and drive the 5 hour trip to be with mum and spend the next 3 days/nights by her bedside until she passed away.

During this difficult time, Sarah and I have never had to worry about asking for time off from an "employer" or how the bills would be paid. From January 2007 through to the end of May 2007, I have hardly worked on my site(s) yet they have continued to produce an income. Cheques from Google Adsense, Kontera.com and CJ.com (to name but a few) kept coming...

If it had not been for my Site Build It! business and the freedom that it gave both Sarah and I by being able to quit our jobs a couple of years ago, things would have been so very different.

In her last few hours, I was able to sit with Sarah's mum and assure her that I would always look after her daughter. Mum never used the Internet and never fully understood where the "money kept coming from", but she always loved to see our business grow!

SiteSell gave me that opportunity and I am glad I took advantage of it all those years ago. It was in that moment that I knew all those late nights pouring over keywords and writing articles in a hospital car park were worth the effort.

The freedom of time and choice that we have been given through our Site Build It! business have meant so much to us at this time and for that I thank you and your team.

I love to read of how Site Build It! has touched so many people's lives in so many varied ways.... and I am glad to count our own personal story amongst them.


-Marc and Sarah Liron

P.S. On the professional side, I have some additional soul-satisfying news to share...

In January 2007, I was awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for the 4th consecutive year, and this is largely due to the high profile www.updatexp.com continues to give me online!

My 18 year old nephew Robert has been inspired by my success and now has his own Site Build It! website (www.easyelements.com). He is growing it in his spare time whilst at University. He is ecstatic to have made it to your https://results.sitesell.com page!!!

Back to Marc's original case study

Jan 2004

Feb 2004

April 2004

July 2004

Aug 2005

Feb 2006

June 2007 (you are here)

Oct 2009